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Bay Area Genealogical Society February Board Meeting  (BAGS Events)
Tuesday, February 25 through Tuesday, February 25
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Brown County Central Library, Lower Level Rooms 1 & 2
Bay Area Genealogical Society (BAGS) 
February Board meeting
All BAGS board meetings are open to the public and held virtually via Zoom. If you wish to attend, please send email to: so we can send you the link. Additionally, you can attend these meetings in person at the Central Brown County Library.  

Dave Miller - Researching your Irish Ancestors on this side of the Pond
Dave Miller - Researching your Irish Ancestors on this side of the Pond  (BAGS Events)
Saturday, March 1 through Saturday, March 1
10:30 am to 12:00 pm
De Pere Library - Kress Family Branch
Are you missing Genealogy 101?  Looking for something to do on a Saturday morning?  
Come to the De Pere Library - Kress Family Branch tor this exciting program.
The Bay Area Genealogical Society (BAGS) is celebrating our 50th anniversary this year.  We are  making plans to provide genealogy programs for you this spring and throughout the year.  Since the Brown County Library’s Local History and Genealogy Department is not having Genealogy 101 this year why not attend the BAGS Saturday morning program?  
Our first program will be Dave Miller presenting “Researching your Irish Ancestors on this side of the Pond” on Saturday  March 1st at 10:30 am – noon at the De Pere Library - Kress Family Branch.  
Many were told growing up that Irish records just don’t exist anymore. What!! Is that really true?
Genealogist Dave Miller will be discussing how to research your Irish Ancestors by first researching and organizing information from American and Canadian records, looking at records from North American genealogy sites and researching records from Irish libraries and archives first through their online sites. Some were destroyed in the Four Courts Explosion and fire but not all perished. Dave will show you what records are out there and where to find them. Then if you’re preparing yourself for a visit to Ireland, he will explain what to expect and what you need when you visit these Irish libraries and archives before you even step on the plane, including the change in currency when going from Ireland to Northern Ireland!
Dave Miller’s bio:
Dave Miller has been researching family histories, including his own, for the past 40 years. Dave has also worked for almost 45 years in radio and television and retired in July of 2019. He has many family connections to Northeast Wisconsin. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois, a Master of Arts Degree from The University of Illinois, Springfield and a Professional Learning Certificate of Genealogical Studies in Irish records from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies near Toronto, Ontario. He is a member of the Irish Genealogical Society International and now serves on the board. He also records a monthly podcast on the IGSI YouTube channel. He has appeared in three episodes of the Dead Files on the Travel Channel. He has authored articles on many genealogy topics and speaks to groups on genealogy and their family history. Dave has worked with the Ulster Historical Foundation in Belfast, Northern Ireland and has been to Ireland and Northern Ireland several times for research and to visit family. His genealogy blogs and video vlogs can also be found at his website,
Come join us!  You don’t want to miss this program! 
Please email or call (920) 430-0980 to let us know if you will be attending so we can get the right number of chairs set up.    Or if you cannot attend in person, we will have a Zoom link.  Please email us and we can send you the Zoom link. 
Everyone is invited to attend so let your friends and family know about this program.
Looking forward to seeing you in March!