Proud member of
Federation of Genealogical Societies  National Genealogical Society


Our society needs YOUR ideas, YOUR perspectives, and fresh eyes to keep moving forwward  in providing new programs and resources to our members. You don't have to run for an elected position to help us  with what we hope to accomplish. Everyone has skills that we need. 

Bylaws Committee:  review and develop revisions to bylaws to ensure continuity in operations and continued relevance of society in the future. Present suggested revisions to board and membership.

Marketing  Develop coordinated plan for reaching potential audiences and members for society programs and projects through electronic, paper, and in-person events such as farmers’ markets, local historical society events, other genealogy societies, etc

Membership CDevelop activities to attract new members and keep existing members. Monitor membership fees in relation to other societies and benefits offered to members. And make recommendations to the board. Also do the same for soliciting board members.
Newsletter:  Assist editor in developing themes for issues and story ideas. Identify recurring elements to be included in each newsletter. Contribute stories and solicit stories from society members.

Programs Committee: Develop topics and identify and obtain presenters for annual conference and other programs throughout the year, both online/virtual and in person. Canvas membership for potential speakers.
Projects  Identify and recommend to board projects to provide information and education to members and the public to fulfill the society’s purpose and main objective.  
Sales Committee: inventory sales items and develop a plan for promoting and disposing of old stock. Identify and develop new sales items of interest to membership.

Social Media   Develop and plan a schedule of social media posts to communicate regularly and frequently with members and the public .Write posts and send information via e-mail, Facebook, society website and other identified platforms such as YouTube videos, twitter, Instagram, etc.

Website   Assist webmaster by testing pages on various devices and platforms and identify issues. Suggest and provide content to webmaster. Monitor and update the website calendar. Keep up to date on accessibility issues to assist webmaster in maintaining an inviting and useful website.